Transportation Group TransCom LLP


Over the past 15 years the Transportation Group has been helping the Eurasian Group to successfully resolve all issues related to transport and logistics; it also provides a wide range of high-quality freight forwarding services to third-party customers. In 2015, ENRC Logistics was reorganized into TransCom LLP.


Established in 1991


800 employees

General director:

Yerdos Kashaganov

TransCom LLP

MEK Transsystem LLP is the largest transport operator in Central Asia providing a wide range of services.50 million tonnes of cargoes per annum TransCom LLP transports cargoes using its own rolling stock, which comprises more than 11,000 units.

11,000 units

55 million tonnes of cargoes per annum

TransCom LLP

MEK Transsystem LLP is the largest transport operator in Central Asia providing a wide range of services.55 million tonnes of cargoes per annum TransCom LLP transports cargoes using its own rolling stock, which comprises more than 10,000 units.

11,000 units

55 million tonnes of cargoes per annum

Bereke 2004 LLP

carries out repairs to railcars,
locomotives and maintenance vehicles.

2500 railcar repairs per year

1020 locomotive repairs per year

24 railcar repairs per year

Bereke 2004 LLP

carries out repairs to railcars,
locomotives and maintenance vehicles.

2500 railcar repairs per year

1020 locomotive repairs per year

24 railcar repairs per year

TransRemVagon LLP

overhauls and repairs broad gauge freight cars at the repair facility.

3,600 railcar repairs per year


TransRemVagon LLP

overhauls and repairs broad gauge freight cars at the repair facility.

3,600railcar repairs per year



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