Eurasian Resources Group helps to meet the needs of industries and societies across the world

ERG’s metals and minerals power electric vehicles, gadgets and solar panels

We are proud to be a Founding Member and Co-Chair of the Global Battery Alliance, the world’s largest multi-stakeholder consortium in the energy storage space comprising over 150 businesses and organisations

We operate in almost 20 countries, with more than 80,000 employees and contractors working for us globally

Wholly integrated operations span the entire value chain from extraction and production, through to processing, energy, logistics and marketing.

ERG is one of the world’s leading producers of cobalt and a large producer of copper. It is also one of the major suppliers of ferroalloys globally, a large supplier of high-grade iron ore and alumina, and the only producer of high-grade aluminium in Kazakhstan.

We continue our long-standing projects in key areas of social investment:
- Building and supporting schools, hospitals and medical facilities.
- Taking children out of artisanal and small-scale mining.
- Providing new affordable housing…