Everyone who acts on behalf of Eurasian Resources Group, including the Directors, employees, consultants, agents and counterparties, is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Group Code of Conduct, act in the best interestes of the organisation with honesty and integrity, and exercise good judgment in performing their duties in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in compliance with legal requirements.
The principles of the Code of Conduct are a minimum requirement to employee behavior and are binding worldwide to all of ERG’s subsidiaries, controlled affiliates and joint ventures. The Code is prefaced by five Core Values – Teamwork, Quality, Integrity, Partnership and Sustainability.
It is the responsibility of each employee to read, understand, respect, follow and promote this Code and to report promptly on potential Code violations. The Group promotes employee knowledge and understanding of the Code through mandatory trainings, workshops and discussion groups.
ERG also requires its business partners, subcontractors and suppliers to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
We monitor the performance and compliance of our partners and take immediate and thorough steps to address incidents where their ethical performance comes into question.
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